A blog about me, Indiana, family and fun.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Are things always going to be this hectic??

Wow! It has been quite awhile since I have blogged. I just can't believe how busy I have been. I always thought that once your kids were out of school and most of them were on their own you would have alot of free time. Not so. We have been so busy. Ryan graduated from high school


and Seminary and had his Eagle Court of honor


and Daven's folks came out and he was made the Bishop all in the same weekend!!! My head is just starting to slow down from the spin now. I am still the Priamry President and although I like it very much it soemtimes is so busy with both of us in such high profile callings that it can get a bit stressful. I find that being the Bishop's wife is kind of a mini-calling all in and of it self that no one really tells you about. I feel often I need to be there to help him or at least offer support. For instance tomorrow he wants me to help him redecorate and move the furniture in the Bishop's office. I don't mind in fact its kind of fun. But I could use a housekeeper ;).
Ryan is working full time and will put in his mission papers soon. Then will come the frenzy that is known as "getting the Missionary ready" Always exciting, expensive and exhausting! LOL.
I still am enjoying being a Bo Bice fan. Right after our "big weekend" in June Daven and I went to Nashville for one night so I could go to Bo's first ever Peep party. It was fun. We had lunch, Bo talked and sang and talked and talked and sang but mostly talked. Ha, ha, ha. He is very nice. He had an auction of some of his stuff and the money when to the Wounded Warrior program. I actually got some of his clothes. A leather Vest and Suede pants. He signed them and I got my picture with him yet again. It's not my favorite picture with him but it was a fun night. I thanked him for letting us be a small part of everything. He stopped signing my stuff and turned and looked me right in the eye and said that I should not say that that we were not a small part but a huge part of this. Very sweet of him. Here are the clothes. He wears the vest in one part of the DVD portion of The Real Thing Dual disk and the pants in a different spot on the DVD. Kinda cool to have it ..although I have no clue what I will do with them. Right now they are on the shelf in my closet. I think it might be nice to put them in a shadow box.




The only thing I have tired of recently is the sometimes one upmanship that goes with being a fan...there seems like there is a bit of a competion among fans to go to the most concerts...some travel to all or most, get the most pictures of Bo and the best pictures of Bo, have him know you by name, etc. In other words a competion to be his #1 fan. It all gets a little tedious and tiresome sometimes and so right now I am taking a little break from the fansites. Not to mention a lot of time can be spent on all of this stuff. And although it's fun, I find that if I am not careful I tend to "play" more than work and there are somethings that I need to get done around here!
The upcoming Primary activity which is a Pioneer themed potluck and games activty has turned into a Ward activity and is now going to be held at our house. We have the room. But, sometimes is a little stressful knowing that the entire ward has just been invited to your house. Also, this week I am getting Teacher improvement together for Sun. after Church and I am in charge of lunch and conducting. The idea is that if we feed them "they will come".
Last but certainly not least we are looking forward to Cheri Kay's graduation from BYU. I just mailed the announcements today. I think they turned out so cute!


After the Graduation we are going out to Oregon and will go to the beach for a week with the whole family. (We are not sure if Aaron and Paige will be there it depends on his job situation.) I think I will probably just collaspe some where on the beach by then. At least until someone says "Mom, can I talk to you?" And I really wouldn't have it any other way. :)

1 comment:

  1. Yea for being busy! It sounds like you guys are having a little too much fun . . .

